Thursday, November 17, 2011

Apologies for my Stupidity

Anyone who has met me knows that my sense of humor takes many forms.  Most often it is dry with a sarcastic, and sometimes derisive, edge.  Apparently, I have passed this trait along to my sons.  All three of them.

This morning, my preschooler appeared at the bathroom door while I was brushing my teeth.
"I had a night dream," he said to the floor.
I know this to mean that he had a nightmare.  His face wore a pitiful look that was, undoubtedly, supposed to elicit great concern on my part.
"What was it about?" I asked innocently.
How could I have been so stupid?  Was his meaning unclear?  It was a nightmare, it can't have been good!  He looked up at me in utter disbelief.  Shaking his head and using a semi-sarcastic, sing-song voice he said,
"It wasn't about a party."
Chuckle.  No, I suppose it wasn't.  To all appearances, my line of obtuse questioning was making for a poor conversation.  He left and I never did find out what happened.

- 16 November 2011

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