Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wait and See

Just days before his third birthday, Ashley and I were still wondering what gift to get for Logan.  At dinner one evening, Ashley asked me what I thought and I suggested that she ask Logan directly.  Little did I know that, not only was Logan prepared to carry on a very polite and patient conversation, but he was completely unfazed by what he apparently thought was his parents' utter stupidity.
"Logan, what would you like for your birthday?" Ashley asked.
"Um, how 'bout a present, mama?" he suggested.
I snorted into my drink.
"What should it be?" she asked, suppressing a giggle.
"Blue with polka dots and Mickey Mouse on it."
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"What should be inside it, Logan?" she asked, trying not to meet my eyes across the table.
"Um, we'll have to look and see, mama."
Ironically, his gentle but apprehensive tone of voice suggested that he wondered why he was having to explain all of this to us 3-year-olds.  Didn't we already know?

- 25 August 2011


  1. That reminds me of one December when Skyler was little, he said to me, "Mom, what do you want for Christmas?" I said, "I don't need anything, sweetie." He asked, "Don't you want any toys?" I replied, "No, that's okay." So he clarified, "No, I mean like ADULT toys." I snickered... "Um, no thank you." LOL

    - Dawn S
