"Daddy, do you do what mommy do's?" Logan asked serenely while floating on his back in the tub.
"What," I said, not knowing what to make of this question.
"The legs," he replied and he threw his legs over his head and kicked out. "The bath," he said. "You know...uno dos," and he kicked his legs into the air again.I don't know, but you certainly have my attention. Wow. I see your lips moving but I have no idea what you're saying. Clearly this was supposed to hold all kinds of meaning for me. On the other hand, if that's how mommy...okay, focus!
"Logan, what are we talking about?"I wonder how many times I've asked that question of one boy or another over the past eleven years.
"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro..." he continued to count up and down in Spanish.Alright, I'm starting to get a picture here...I'm not very good at charades, even when someone is giving me clues. Your mother has started a foreign language exercise program in the tub? Somehow I doubt it.
Come to find out that Logan likes to count the number of cups of water that mommy pours over his head to wash out the shampoo - in Spanish. The leg kicking was just an added touch. I can see that we're going to need a little coaching on how to ask a proper question. Daddy would very much appreciate the details necessary to prevent him from making a fool of himself. I will never cease to be fascinated by how their little minds work. And I will never cease to be puzzled and amused by how my own little mind works either. Hey, I eventually caught on, didn't I?
- 1 February 2012
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