Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mistaken Identity

Sometimes I forget.  It's a fact - do with it what you will.  What I forgot tonight is that Logan has a better understanding of the world than I give him credit for.

Once again, swimming lessons had ended and we were walking to the car.  Something jogged my memory and I started to share a piece of bad news with the boys.

Only hours earlier, we learned of the passing of a friend with whom we had a long standing annual engagement at the Balloon Stampede.  When I told them that Claudia had died, they didn't immediately recognize her name.  In their defense, we only saw her once a year and it was her granddaughter that the boys knew from school.  So, I told them that this was Olivia's grandmother.  While this was enough to satisfy the older boys, it was Logan who only heard the words "Olivia", "mother" and "died".

I forgot that Logan also knows Olivia - a different Olivia.

Immediately, there commenced a complete 3-year-old panic.  His Olivia's mother had died and, after all, his Olivia was one of the famed Favorite Best Friends.  This would simply not do.  Something needed to be done.  Undoubtedly, Olivia needed a mother but, more importantly, play dates would most certainly be hampered. 

It took me a few seconds to recover, after being completely side-swiped by this wave of confusion, and took most of the ride home to unwind the gigantic panicky knot.  For a moment, it looked as though I would have to drive him to their house and prove to him that their mother was still alive.  I can only imagine what would have happened if I had done so and Erin hadn't been home.

Good grief!

- 11 June 2012

1 comment:

  1. This is so bittersweet because it breaks my heart that this upset him so much, but also gives me great joy that he thinks so highly of me. Sure do love him, he is so sweet.
