Friday, November 25, 2011

My Favorite Game

Recently, Ethan has developed a habit of asking the question, "how long has it been?"  Since what, Ethan?  Since the last time you asked?  Since you were born?  Since Tuesday?  Despite the fact that I usually know exactly what he is talking about, he needs to learn how to ask a proper question as it relates to time.

This line of questioning always surrounds the sharing of an electronic device (TV, computer, video game, etc.) with a sibling.  It is manifested by a failure to recognize one's position in the universe as it relates to time and space and is a frequent occurrence.  The actual question being asked is, "how much longer until it's my turn?"  Typically, Ethan knows each person's allotment and can figure out when his turn will be as long as someone can tell him how much time has elapsed since his last turn.  Don't I have enough to keep track of?  That's why I could only shake my head when he came to me this morning.
"Dad, how long has it been since I've been off the computer?"
Just a moment, I'll consult my notes.  Let me see...Thanksgiving're using the computer in the basement...I'm on a different level of the house talking to four other family members...Ah!  Here it idea.
"I don't know, Ethan.  When did you stop?"
"Five minutes ago."
"I'd say its been about five minutes."
"Oh.  Okay."
I wonder if he understood what just happened here.

- 24 November 2011

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