Friday, April 6, 2012

Great Mysteries

Last night, Logan was completely stuffed up and couldn't breathe.  After waking up several times crying, we decided to bring him to bed with us so that he wouldn't wake the entire household, including Grandma, Grandpa and his brothers.  We pulled out every trick in our book so that all of us could get some sleep but to no avail.  All night long he would stop breathing until his body realized it was suffocating, then awake with a frightened start in a terrified panic.  Fun.  No matter what we tried, we simply could not convince him to breathe through his mouth

Why is it that you can't get them to open their mouths to save their lives (long enough to breathe over night) but you can't get them to shut their mouths to save their lives either (during the other 16 hours of the day)?

You find that out, you find out everything, I guess.

- 5 April 2012

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