Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Story of Ethan

My name is Ethan.  I’m writing a story about me, my life and some other things.  I hope that who ever is reading this gets to know me better.  I hope you enjoy this story a lot.

First I’m going to write about me for example, things I like to do, my fears and things I don’t really like and some of my hobbies.
Things I like
Things I don’t like
Mail men
  video games
My Brothers (sometimes)
 Riding my  bike
The ocean


Playing chess

Now on to my family. I have 2 parents, 2 brothers, 2 cats but 1 ran away because our other fat cat ate all the food and 4 grandparents but I only have met 2 of them.  My parent’s names are Ashley and Andy.  They are both 40.  My grandparent’s names are Matt and Lynda and they live in Pullman, WA.  I have 2 brothers.  My oldest brother’s name is Justin and he is in 8th grade at Garrison Middle School.  My little brother’s name is Logan and he just started his first year at Sharpstein Elementary.  I had 2 cats, Oliver and Cooper but Cooper ran away, probably because Oliver ate all of the food.  Oliver is the fattest cat I’ve ever seen.  My brother Justin and I had 2 fishes but my fish ate his and died about 4 day’s later.

Now for some extra things like what I want to be when I grow up and stuff like that. When I grow up I hope to get into ether Whitman collage or WSU so I can learn how to be an author and stuff and if I’m not an author than ill try to be a teacher or something like that. I have 3 weakness and they are Ethtinite (it's what Ethan World is made of), milk and octopuses but mostly Ethtinite. One of my greatest moments is when I met my best friends. My other greatest moment is when I saved the world from the zombie aliens who summoned giant asteroids to destroy earth while going back in time to destroy the dinosaurs so that they would not exist in the present and earned $4,000,000,000,000,000 and became the president of the universe and I became immortal and invincible for all of time.

Extra Extra Things
Favorite shows
Favorite places
Favorite colors
Doctor Who
Walla Walla
South Park
Family Guy

In conclusion I hope that I will succeed with my goals and that I will have the best school year I can.  And if I don’t then at least I tried hard.


- 23 September 2014

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