Tuesday, May 7, 2019

I Knew It

Justin is the kind of kid that would not volunteer voluntarily.  There has to be that what’s-in-it-for-me element like a requirement for Boy Scouts or extra credit for a class.  That’s why this whole thing was suspicious.  

Justin went willingly, and of his own accord, to an evening concert at his middle school.  A concert that he had nothing to do with.  No horse in this race.  Now, I’m all for cultural improvement but how many 12-year-olds do you know that have nothing better to be doing on a Tuesday night than going to a middle school music concert unless they are performing?

That’s right, none.  Something is up. 

He left an hour early so that he could help set up the bleachers.  He remained for the sixth-grade band concert in which his friend Winston was playing.  

Hmm, maybe. 

He even helped tune the instruments of the fifth grade orchestra.  But, that’s such an awful endeavor, I knew that couldn’t be it.  And, as if that weren’t enough, he stayed afterwards to help tear everything down. 

Those are almost good reasons, but not quite.

I smell a rat.  Something was up and there was only one possible explanation.  There must be a girl involved...

...so I confronted him about it when I went to pick him up. Ah-ha!  I knew it!  Her name is Ellie.  She has blond hair.

That’s all I could find out. 
"Actually, Dad, it's closer to white."
Oh, sorry.

- 4 December 2012

Monday, May 6, 2019


Working from home...sitting at the dining room table.  Justin noisily bursts through the back door arguing with someone.  As he came through the kitchen, he caught sight of me and immediately trailed off.  
“Oh, you’re here,” he said, sheepishly. 
“Yeah, didn’t you see my car?” I asked. 
“No, I just pulled up and was gonna come in yelling and screaming and talking to myself like I always do...” again, he trailed off. 
He threw me a nervous glance.  I raised my eyebrows. 
“I’m just gonna say ‘hello’ to the dog and then go,” he said, looking away. 
“Okay, well it was good to see you,” I said, trying to sound casual. 
“Yeah, it was good to see you too,” he replied, not meeting my eyes. 
- 4 September 2018