Monday, November 14, 2011

New from Hasbro

Our expressed purpose for traveling to WSU this weekend was to take Justin to a football game for his birthday.  This fact, while not a secret, was not widely discussed in Logan's presence.  The general tenet for a three-year-old boy with older siblings is thus: what's good for them is good for me and should be provided in ample quantities forthwith...hurry up.  Sadly, this philosophy was not to be put into practice.

Logan would not be going to the game and I could tell that the time to break the news was nearly at hand.  The conversation around the dinner table was reaching a fever pitch.  Justin and Ethan were very excited, repeatedly quizzing us all about the time remaining until departure. 
"36 seconds sooner than the last time you asked," became my mantra.
Logan followed the conversation around the table like a tennis match, carefully planning his point of interjection.  Before I had a chance to head him off, however, it became apparent that none of the three were eating.  Time to kill two birds.
"Only boys who eat a good dinner will go to the game," I announced.
Logan immediately sat up in his chair while Justin and Ethan began shoveling.
"Logan, you get to stay here with Mom and Grandma," I added quickly.
My suspicion that this would be of little consolation was confirmed when his face fell and he dropped his fork.  I was prepared.
"You can play Candy Land," I suggested.  We had had quite a spirited game earlier in the day and he had been keen to play another round.
A split second's contemplation was all he was afforded before the conversation took a turn that even I didn't see coming.
"I like Candy Land," Justin stated.
Since when?
"You do?" I asked, not bothering to mask my skepticism.
"Yes!  Especially with the tree snipers," he enthused.
Oh?  Not just regular snipers?
"And the candy cane grenades," Ethan added.
Naturally.  Who wouldn't?  I, too, enjoy a lively game of Guerrilla Candy Land.  Gloppy, the Molasses Monster, leading Special Forces against the evil Lord Licorice is a sight to behold.  Is it possible that Hasbro has missed a marketing opportunity in this demographic?  I'm afraid to ask about Hungry Hungry Hippos.  Good luck tonight, Ash.  See you after the game.

- 12 November 2011

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