Friday, October 26, 2012

Deep Pockets

Yesterday, the bill for Ethan's appendectomy finally arrived. 


Thankfully, insurance covered more than ninety-nine percent...but still.  As I examined the bill, Ethan passed quickly behind me on his way through the kitchen.  I turned around and put out my hand to stop him.
"Hey, Ethan?  Do you know how much it cost to have your appendix removed?" I asked, in mock disbelief.
My question was met with a blank stare.
"Eighteen-thousand dollars!" I exclaimed.
This news startled him.
"Whoa!" he said, and turned to exit, stage left.
"Next time, I think we'll do it here.  You can pick out a shoe to bite on and I'll clear off the dining room table," I called after him.
Nervous laughter echoed up the stairs from the basement.  I continued to examine the bill and mutter under my breath.  Within minutes there was a tap on my shoulder.  I turned and found Ethan standing there, looking quite distressed.
"Do we have enough in our checking account?" he asked.
Oh, bless your heart - no.  But thank goodness it is not necessary.  Next time, I'll also remember to explain about insurance.

- 26 October 2012

1 comment:

  1. Jo was the same way when she tried severing her finger. The most heart breaking, tear soaked look on her face as we were driving to the ER and the blood soaked towel wrapped around her hand. "Do you have enough money for this?" Since when do childhood concerns involve the balance of our checking accounts?

    - Lovonna K.
