Friday, January 20, 2012

Our Crazy Language

English is the most widely used language on our planet.  Comprised of over two million words and almost as many rules it is a very complicated and crazy language to learn.  One in every seven people can speak it, over half of the world's books and three-quarters of the world's mail are written in it.  With that much clout behind it, how do explain to your three-year-old that he can't use the word "skecher" as a verb?
"How do you skecher your shoes?" Logan asked, as we dug a pair out of the cubbyhole and prepared to put them on.
"Do you mean how do you put them on?" I asked, searching for some clarification.
"NO!" he snapped.  "How do your skecher your shoes?!"
The same way you huggie your diapers or Levi your blue jeans I suppose.  I'll have to get back to you on that.  In the meantime, go ask your mother.

- 12 January 2012

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