Friday, August 31, 2012

Starship 2000

What do you get when you mix too much sun, not enough water and a ride on the Gravitron?

The Vomitron.

Sorry, Ethan, we gave you some really bad advice.

- 31 August 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Every now and then, even Grandma has to read the little dickens the riot act.  It is possible, however, that Grandma met her match in this 2-year-old.
"Grandma, I don't want to hear another word about it."
- 17 August 2003

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Ferris Wheel

The Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days fair begins tomorrow and preparations are in full swing.  As we stepped out of the car at a restaurant across the street from the fairgrounds, Logan caught sight of his favorite attraction.
"Oooooo, I see the fairest weasel."
- 28 August 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Forever Button

I put the dish I was preparing into the microwave and set the timer.  With 20 minutes to spare before lunch would be ready, I wandered into the living room and had a seat.  It didn't take long before Logan appeared, dancing apprehensively.
"Dad, are you cooking this so long (too long)?" he asked me.
"No," I said.  "It's okay."
It was plain to see that he did not believe me and that this answer was less than adequate.  Obviously, I had misunderstood the question.  Get with it, Dad!  Lives and property are at stake...or at least lunch is, and you are clearly not providing suitable levels of comfort with your crazy pacifying responses.
"But you'll cause a fire like I did," he insisted, "...'cause I cooked popcorn."
Yes, the telephone call and the fire chief's voice are permanently burned into my memory.  Believe me, I appreciate your concern.  Let it be know that I have read the instructions and know how to avoid the Forever Button.

- 25 August 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012


"The only way you can scratch yourself now, in my world, is with your teeth.  It'll be really hard to scratch your back."
As I sat in the next room, listening to Ethan expound this new decree, a retort immediately came to mind.  While the thought took shape in my head, Justin instantly spoke it word for word.
"Or your butt," he said.
- 26 August 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Favorite Part

August 19, 2012.  Apprehension was mounting. 
"I hope they didn't ruin my belly button," Ethan said.  "That was my favorite part."
Less than 24 hours after coming home from the hospital, he sounded mildly upset.  The appendectomy was a success but now three bandages covered Ethan's torso.  I knew that this had been a major source of concern, since the day of his surgery, worsened by the fact that he could not verify my reassurances while the evidence remained covered.  The discharge papers read, "remove outer bandages on the second day," so we had to wait.

Finally, the second day arrived.  Ethan was nervous about hurting his stitches as we removed the coverings but his anxiety over whether or not his belly button would still be undamaged overrode all other feelings.  We carefully detached all three dressings to reveal...a whole navel.  Hooray!

I was nearly as relieved as Ethan.  I'm still not sure what I would have said if it has been missing.  I suppose we could have changed his name to Adam.

The following day, when I came home for lunch, the entire family set out for a walk - doctor's orders.
"How are your wounds doing?" I asked.
"Good," Ethan replied, pulling up his shirt to show me.
"See, Ethan?  They didn't cut open your belly button so your favorite part is still in tact," I reminded him, trying to cheer him up as I could see that he was feeling the discomfort of this excursion.
"My second favorite, actually," he said.
My brain jammed.  Ashley threw me a look that said, "if he says what I think he's going to say, he's all yours."  I could hear the distant sound of screaming.  Somehow I managed to keep walking as I braced myself for the impact of the next words.
"My favorite part is my tongue."
Oh.  Wait, what?
"It's like a little pet."
So many questions answered, all at once.  So many more taking shape.

- 21 August 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Piano Recital

Beethoven was deaf.

Irving Berlin was clinically depressed.

Tchaikovsky was bipolar.

Logan was naked.


- 19 August 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012


"Ethans's grossness is wanting to make me sick," he hollered from atop his bunk.
Hey, Number Three!  Pipe down and go to sleep - and Ethan, quit freaking him out with your stitches.

- 22 August 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Literary Critic

"Do you want to watch the movie?" I asked.
"What movie?" Logan wanted to know.
"Mirror Mirror," Ashley said.  "It has Snow White in it."
"What else?" he demanded.
"Seven dwarfs." I replied.
"Does it have my Little Mermaid?" he asked.
"Let's just say we'll watch and see.  We don't know because we haven't seen it either." Ashley said.
"Snow White...yuck.  I read that book and it annoys me," he muttered.
Ah, to be three again.  Not a care in the world apart from nap time, snack time and the avoidance of annoying literary works.

- 11 August 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What the Neighbors Must Think

"I have to go pee," Logan said.
That's nice.  Do I really need to be involved?
"Then go," I encouraged, noticing that he was just standing there grabbing his groceries.
He danced off in the direction of the back door and I went back to setting the sprinkler.  A few minutes later, he rounded the corner of the house having noticeable trouble hitching up his britches. 

Dear Logan,
As you know, I have been a father for nearly twelve years.  You, sir, are my third child and third son.  I feel it only fair to remind you that, as I am a boy myself, there are very few things you can do that I have not already done myself.  That being the case, I am usually at least one step ahead of you and, on the rare occasion that I am not, will more than likely figure out what is going on before you have a chance to cover it up - whatever it may be.
Sincerely, Dad
"Where did you go pee?" I asked, suspiciously, knowing that the front door was locked and the back door had not been opened.
He immediately stopped rearranging his drawers and stood there starring at me.  His stunned silence was very reassuring.

I asked again.
"In the grass," he said.
"Show me," I commanded.
He nervously led me to the front yard where lay the unsuspecting patch of lawn and accompanying rose bush, having been marked like so much territory.  And this family wonders why we don't have a dog - as if I needed one more thing to pee on the grass.

Oh, shoot, we've been spotted.  Just smile and wave.  "Hello, Mrs. Brown.  Yes - lovely evening.  Indoor plumbing?  Why yes, just installed yesterday.  We're not quite used to it yet.  What's that?  Yes, I quite agree - the recycling toter is a rather dangerous place to be playing hide-and-go-seek while it's still parked on the street.  Rather unsanitary.  By the way, thank you for calling the fire department last week.  Say hello to Mr. Brown."

- 15 August 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Third Time's the Charm

"And the best part wasn't my fault this time!"
Yes, Justin, that's the best part.  Words only an older brother with a shady track record could utter.  After stitches on Christmas Eve and a broken leg from some idiot tent pole game, Ethan finally managed to land himself in the hospital of his own accord.  Now, would you please adopt an appropriate bedside manner before we get to his room or you're going to give him the wrong impression.  I understand your giddy, guilt-free excitement, but get a grip!

- 18 August 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

That Sound

"Hey, what's that sound?" Logan asked.
"Which sound?" I asked, attempting to clarify.
"The sound I hear," he answered, his reply containing the slightest edge.
Oh, of course.  Thank you for clearing that up.  It was either the sound of my brain exploding or the sound of crazy.  Does that help?

- 15 August 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Father of the Year

Here's a little piece of advice: When your son has had abdominal surgery, and you place him in the car in preparation to take him home from the hospital - don't fasten the seat belt across his lap!

Words to live by.

- 18 August 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Well It's No Wonder

"You're acting like an old man on Sunday.  Pay attention."
  • First of all, stop referring to your mother as an old man.
  • Secondly, quit harassing her while she's driving.
  • In the third place, consider what she's going through.  She had to drive ten miles in the dark - to a winery out in the country - to locate a place that she had never been before - by following directions that you gave her - to pick up you and your friend - accompanied by your brothers, and your father and his best friend who had been sampling their special adult lemonade.  Meanwhile, the only other person in the car that had ever been to the winery before was busy making tasteless jokes in the back seat with his friend, while trying to shout overriding directions through the din when your navigational edict directed her to turn left into the side of a cliff.
A lesser person would have cracked.  There were nine different conversations happening simultaneously even though there were only seven people in the car.  The only difference between that excursion and a clown car routine was that nobody had multi-colored hair.  It's a wonder we all made it back alive.

By the way, you should be so lucky to drive as well as she does!

- 16 August 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Good Decision

"Do you want to hear my Scooby-Doo joke?" Logan asked.
"Sure," I said.
There was an awkward dance accompanied by an averted gaze.  The look on his face told me that he was expecting me to say, "No."  I was getting the idea that this may not be an appropriate joke and a few important questions began to form in my mind.  Note to self: have a little chat with the older boys when they get home.

Logan ran off in the direction of the front yard so I returned to my writing.  After a minute or so, he appeared at my side looking like the cat who swallowed the canary.  I gave him an expectant look.
"Did you hear my joke from the front yard?" he asked nervously.
"No.  Should I have?" I inquired.
"Do I need to say it again a little louder?" he asked.
"Do you?" I wondered.
"I think I will tell you a different joke," he said.
I think you will too.

- 17 August 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

No Time for Chitchat

"Look, Dad!" Logan shouted.
He was running towards me with his hands full of something.
"It's just like pudding!" he exclaimed, with an excited grin splitting his face.
Despite it being frantically waved in my face, I could see the object clearly.  It was, in fact, a box of JELL-O pudding mix.
"Yes.  It's exactly like pudding," I chuckled.
"Just don't waste time," he said.  "I want it for dessert."
Well, don't just stand there...start cooking dinner!  Apparently, I'll be busy with dessert.

- 14 August 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Did You Say?

What Ashley said.
"Logan, don't pee off the deck."
What Logan heard.

- 6 August 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Geography Lesson

On the last day of Ashley's class reunion, we were tossing around plans to visit friends next summer at their home in Chicago.
"Where is Chicago?" Justin asked.
"In Illinois, right in the middle of the country," I said, indicating the general east to west location.
"I thought Chicago was in California," he replied.
Would you be kind enough to remind me of that when we get home?  I would like to have a word with one of your teachers.

- 5 August 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Ashley and I were debriefing the day's events when we were interrupted by a shriek of terror.  We paused our conversation to see if there would be a follow-up scream.

          [In our house, sock-curling screams of absolute terror are often used across multiple spectra of emotion.  For example, the same horrified squeal of agony has been used for both a broken leg and a hangnail.]

When none came, we resumed.
"Dad!" Logan screamed, "Sara!"
It was difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of distress through the crying.

Translation: "There is a spider under my map!"
Re-Translation: "A spider just ran under my instructions and I can't finish playing this game until I can safely touch the instructions...which I can't."

This process would be a lot simpler if children would learn to calmly shriek in terror and dispense with all of the unnecessary crying, dancing and pointing.

When I got there, I found that it was, indeed, a bit larger and more spry than I was used to but I prevailed in the end.
"There, I got him," I announced.
"Is he dead?" Logan wanted to know.
"Yes," I said, triumphantly.
"And he's not going to come to life again?"
Now, I know that this little devil was a little more athletic than I  had expected, but do you often find that happening in this house?  Because that would have been good information to have right up front.

- 4 August 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Short Career

"Logan, you know that song you sing that goes..." Ethan hummed a few bars, "can you sing that for ET?"
"I don't do that kind of stuff," Logan stated, matter-of-factly.
"Pleeease, Logan," Ethan begged.
"No, I can't.  I don't sing anymore."
This explains a great deal because I'm pretty sure what I heard was, "No, I won't because you asked me to, and, by the way, I don't cooperate anymore."  I feel your pain, Ethan.

- 5 August 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Logan to English Dictionary

Never wanting to be left out, especially when it comes to reading labels and signs, my three-year-old refuses to let the fact that he can't read stand in his way.  As we walked past a building bearing the label, "Bennington Properties Dog Wash," he said,
"Do you see what that sign says?  It says, 'Explosions happen here...don't freak out!'"
I promise not to freak out but I cannot speak for those poor doggies.

- 8 August 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What Time Do You Open?

Among the other fun-filled adventures that were had by the boys today was a trip to the bounce-n-barf.  This outing to the bouncy castle park was a special treat from Grandma that the boys relished.  Logan, in particular, had been making inquiries about going since we arrived and, now that he had had a taste of the head-exploding-fun, couldn't get enough.  Even as he drifted off to sleep he was laying the ground work for another visit.
"Tomorrow, can we go to the bouncy castle?  They open at six a quarter to seven-o-nine.  So we should go there.  Okay?"
Yes.  I'll be sure to set my alarm for thirteen o'clock.

- 8 August 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tongue Twister

"Dad, I'm trying to pull my tongue out," he said, grabbing it with both hands and pulling as hard as he could.
"Why are you doing that, again?" I wanted to know.
It wasn't that I wanted to know as much as I thought it would be an important piece of information to provide to the ER attendant.
"Cause I want to see if my tongue is still orange."
You know, I'm really glad I saw you eat that entire box of orange Tic Tacs - it will save me the trouble of calling the men in white coats.  By the way - remind me to tell you all about mirrors.

- 5 August 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Little Devil

Why can’t you use your powers for good instead of evil?

After waiting me out once he had been told not to play that irritating Scooby Doo episode on a loop, he started up the DVD player.

"You little devil,” I said grinning.  “You're wearing that hat so that we can't see your horns.”

"I'm not dumb," he said. 

- 27 July 2012

Missing You II

This summer, we payed a visit to Grandma's house despite the fact that Grandma and Grandpa were out of town.  As if that weren't strange enough, the second night found both Justin and Ethan spending the night at a friend's house, which left Logan, Ashley and me to fend for ourselves.  Logan missed his boys and didn't like sleeping in the big bed all by himself.  He made a special flower for each of them and left them on their respective sides of the bed for when they got back.

- 5 August 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Survey Says

"My babysitter was really nice," Logan said, as he bounded down the stairs and into our room at six o'clock this morning.  "Every kid in the city likes her."
I told you she didn't want to fatten you up and pop you into her oven.

- 5 August 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Babysitter

See if you can spot the boy who is used to being babysat by his older brothers and is now facing the prospect of the unknown and unrelated.
"Is my babysitter nice to children?" Logan asked nervously as he trailed along behind me.  "I'll behave," he added.
- 4 August 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012


"You should try some.  It's really good."
Oh boy, if I had a nickel.

Logan had been trailing me throughout the house for the better part of an hour, jabbering away.  I was attempting to prepare for the imminent arrival of house guests and he was attempting to carry on one of a thousand conversations that he had apparently stored up since bedtime last night.  Not only did I have no idea what we were talking about but now he had me cornered in the guest room.

I had to plan my next response carefully.  Too many times I have been humoring along a conversation, only to arrive at a point where I had inadvertently agreed to something, and later, suffered the dire consequences when that something either did or did not occur.
"It will make you have..." he trailed off.
There was a pause, during which I couldn't decide whether or not I hoped he would say, "a party in your mouth."
"...a fun time in your head," he finished.
I tried not to guffaw.
"That must be really good," I agreed, although I still didn't know what we were talking about.
"Ya," he said, "and you will be able to turn the whole world into a rainbow!"
Wow.  Part of me wishes that I had been paying more attention.  The other part of me is wondering whether or not the house would be instantly clean and my chores would be done if the whole world were, in fact, a rainbow.

- 3 August 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Final Piece of the Puzzle

"Logan, have you seen the cat?" Ashley asked.
"Yes," he said.  A mischievous grin had appeared on his face which bordered on evil.
"Have you been torturing him again?" she inquired.
"I scared him with my blankies and rode him like a horsey.  Now he's under your bed."
Finally I understand.  The cat urinates on everything because we have literally scared the pee out of him.  It has nothing to do with revenge.

- 3 August 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Not So Smooth

"Trim your scratches.  I like you smooth," Logan said, gingerly caressing my week-long beard.
Good grief, you sound just like your mother.

- 29 July 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Talking Loudly

Can you not talk loudly?  No.  No, I don’t think so.

We entered a restaurant in Salmon Idaho.  The boys were quiet but irritated.  They had just been chastised for talking too loudly.  So unnecessarily loudly.  At the house, in the car, anywhere and everywhere.

With all the cheek he could muster, Logan asked in a heavy whisper,

"Can we talk loudly in here?"

Seriously, do you know any other way?

- 25 July 2012