Saturday, August 31, 2013

Something's Missing

Just when I thought Miley Cyrus at the Video Music Awards was he most disturbing thing I'd seen this week...

- 28 August 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Covering Your Butt(s)

From the bedroom, I could hear the sound of a clattering crash emanating from the kitchen.  I sat, momentarily frozen, listening for the sounds of injury, immanent death or a call for clean-up on aisle five.
"Logan, what were you doing?" Ethan asked.
"I was trying to pause it so I could see their butts!" he exclaimed.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the fact that he dropped the remote while watching Teletubbies.

- 2 July 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Justin asked for permission to have the last brownie.
"Yes but you have to split it with your brother," Ashley advised.
Knowing exactly how this would play out, I added my own two cents.
"Remember Justin, you get to cut the brownie, but Ethan gets to choose which piece he wants."

- 25 June 2013