Okay boys, line up over there and smile. This one's for your grandmother.
- 22 August 2013
Two parents raising three boys. It's not quiet. It's not clean. It's not pretty. But it is a lot of fun!
"Sometimes my penis sticks out of my shorts and I don't like it," Logan informed his grandmother.
"Well, just stick it back in," she advised.Wow. Remind me not to sit next to the two of you at the dinner table.
I turned to Ethan and said, "What flavor are you going to have?"
"Donkey spittle," he replied, with a finality that indicated there weren't two ways about it.He continued to stare out the front window as we drove along, leaving no indication on his face as to whether or not he was serious. I couldn't tell if he had given this a great deal of thought or if he knew what a thought was at this point. Definitely my genes.
"Justin, are you going to Scouts," Ashley asked, expecting the answer, "Yes."
"I'm just not feelin' it," he said, yawning and stretching.Oh yeah? Well, come over here where I can reach you and you'll be feelin' it!
"Logan!" I exclaimed. "What have you done? I have absolutely no idea what was on that board."Hello! I wrote it all on the board so that I wouldn't have to remember it.
"It was just letters..." he said, trying to be helpful. "And numbers," he added.