Friday, December 27, 2013


Beware all those who visit our house on a Thursday...

Logan began to cry when Ashley took him to the babysitter's house.  He wanted to stay home with the older boys (who had no school) and have Underwear Thursday.

Yes, it's just as naked as it sounds.

- 22 November 2012

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Story of Power World

[Recorded by Ashley & Andy exactly as dictated by Justin.]
  • Power World is Justin’s imaginary world.
  • The official language is Star language.
  • They are fighting The Great Crocodile War.
  • There are 855 dragons in Power World.
    • There are many green dragons but most of them are red.
    • The dragons are single, solid colors and can fly from birth, once taught by Justin...“It’s nice that I have help from Rodeo now.” (Rodeo is Justin's imaginary friend.)
    • The babies can only breathe smoke.
    • They only eat meat - "people are meat."
  • I [Andy] have been arrested and set free numerous times for commenting about what people can and cannot do at traffic lights.  I have been warned that further infractions will result in permanent incarceration.
  • There is no such thing as cars.
    • There are motorcycles.
    • People, especially hunters, float above the ground.
    • The motorcycles can also turn into flying machines.
  • Coconut trees grow coconuts and swords.
  • In 2009, Justin gave Power World to Ethan.
    • It has now become a suburb of Blue Land (Ethan's imaginary world).
- 27 July 2009

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Magic of Cooking

In the van after going through the McDonald's drive through, all five of us are headed to the Pendleton pool.
"Hey mom, I'm mixing strawberries and plain lemonade to make strawberries and plain lemonade. "
A lone cricket chirped somewhere in the distance.  Before anyone could think of what to say, Ethan joined in.
"Hey, dad."
"What?" I asked.
"I'm mixing strawberries and plain..."
He trailed off as though he'd forgotten the next ingredient.
"Plain lemonade?" I ventured. "You'll never guess what that makes," I said.
Justin joined in with a wrye smile.
"What?" he asked, in mock wonderment.
"Strawberries and plain lemonade," Logan said, with the kind of satisfied enthusiasm that comes from having successfully taught someone an important life lesson.
"That's the magic of cooking!" he exclaimed.

- 16 June 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Awful Truth

It turns out that boys don't have two volumes after all.  I just have partial hearing loss from all of the racket!  I wonder if my ears will ever stop ringing.

Monday, December 23, 2013


As Ethan and I were walking out of school, he looked up and said, "That was nice of Mommy of holding my hand. I love Mommy to hold my hand."
How sweet.  You should tell her.

- 26 February 2007

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Super Sized

"Does McDonald's have black Friday sales?"
Shhh.  Don't let Morgan Spurlock hear you say that.

- 30 November 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Load of Quack

"Dad, can I please have some cold fresh water?  And then can you help me scare the duck out of my bed?"
Sure.  Just a moment while I fetch my gun.

- 3 June 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned from my Brother

"Sharing is caring - that little boy shared his knives and fire with Billy."
"Ahh, it burns!"
- 25 June 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lost In His Own Museum

Ethan, bless him, is not a details man when it comes to matters outside of the classroom.  He finally had an opportunity to have a friend spend the night.  He talked about it for days.  He obsessed over it at every chance.  When the day finally arrived, he took charge and got the details.

Freshly home from an errand, I walked in the back door.  My wife stood in the kitchen drumming her fingers on the counter.
"What's up?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes, shook her head and handed me a note.  It was Ethan's handwriting alright.
"We're picking Tony up at 5:00.  Here are the directions: Go past Wal-Mart and you'll see a playground...I don't really remember the rest.  Oh!  The address is 311 apartment 1-0...something.  Do you want me to call him back?"
Good luck us.

- 11 October 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Who Wears the Pants in the Family

How do you react when you find out that the Capri pants your wife has been missing for three months are being worn by your teenage son?

How do you react when he refuses to give them back?

Vodka, anyone?

- 1 December 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rubber Band

When all else fails...

- 7 December 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Birthday

WHAT: Birthday Party
WHERE: Manger-side in the stable
WHEN: December 25th
WHO: Melchior, Caspar, Balthazar, Tinker Bell, Dumbledore, the Red Knight and the Holy Ghost (assorted shepherds and boys with drums also welcome).

- 16 December 2013