Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Million Questions

I have inherited the gift of always having an answer to a question from my father.  It may be right, it may be wrong.  It may be fact, it may be fiction.  You may never find out.  It is such a prodigious skill, in fact, that there are a few things I didn't figure out he had made up until my late twenties!

It had been the morning of a million questions.  Logan and Ethan hadn't stopped asking questions for the last half hour.  Topics covered (among others) included monkeys, doughnuts, camping, rhinos and Star Wars.
"Do monkeys like doughnuts?"
"Can you take a rhino camping, or would it rather stay home and watch Star Wars?"
"Where do monkey babies come from?"
"Where do rhinos get tents big enough to fit them?"
"Why does it look like Princess Leia has two bear claws on the side of her head?"
Well, boys...you can't take a rhino camping because it will poke holes in the tent which is only large enough for the monkeys.  The ensuing ruckus will upset the monkey babies who are already agitated because Princess Leia's hair reminds them of delicious pastries which they love but do not have.  That puts to rest the great money-doughnut debate.  As for the monkey babies and where they come from - the Monkey Fairy brings baby monkeys in exchange for the bananas they leave under their pillows.

- June 14, 2010

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