I hope you are doing well
I love you
I hope you have a great day
From Logan"
So sweet! Also, why do I look like Diana Ross?
- 11 February 2015
Two parents raising three boys. It's not quiet. It's not clean. It's not pretty. But it is a lot of fun!
"Dad, I've been kissed four times at school," Logan announced.
"Really?" I asked. "By whom?"
"By Noel and Sophia. They can't kiss me, they don't have permission and I'm older than they are."Oh yeah? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't seem to be waiting for permission.
"Dad, what did you think I was calling you for...a bunch of hot dogs?"A) I am five years old and I'm trying to master the art of sarcasm.
"Mom, only old people do that."
"Not only old people do that," she replied. "People your age (11) do that. I used to do that all the time when I was your age."
"That's what I mean - people from 'back then,'" Justin said.
"But Jacob has a cell phone."
"Mom, he doesn't talk on it!"
"I've seen him talk on it plenty of times."
"He's talking to his dad...an old person!"- 13 January 2012