Monday, November 30, 2015

What I'm Thankful For

The Pre-Game Show
While most people watched "the game" on television, Ethan and Logan were engaged elsewhere.  Just a friendly little Thanksgiving match of Strangle Your Brother.  I suppose I should have been thankful that they were playing together, and yet...

The Post-Game Show
Naturally, things escalated.  Various feelings and body parts were hurt, names were called, punches were thrown and the parties had to be separated and placed into time out.  Make no mistake, he's not sleeping, he's screaming.

- 26 November 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

No Appreciation

Most days, when I pick up Logan from school, the surrounding streets are deserted.  Today, however...
"Hey, it's Cooper!" Logan hollered, pointing at his friend, as we rolled to a stop at the corner.
The boy and his mother appeared to be having trouble making up their mind about the journey.  They started, then hesitated and finally crossed slowly in from of us.
"Okay lady, get a move on," I muttered.
"That's no lady.  That's his mom!"
- 1 April 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Automated Checker

Home Depot had just installed their self checkout stations and we were as eager as anybody to take one for a spin.  With Ethan in the cart and Justin close at hand, we scanned our items, swiped our card and snapped up the receipt.  It was all the fun and excitement we had come to expect from a Tuesday night.  We loaded up the sacks and turned to leave.
"Please take your receipt," chimed the cool, automated voice.
Ethan's face melted into a scowl.
"We already did that!  Mean lady," he sassed.
- 21 November 2006

Friday, November 27, 2015


"When are we getting to Grandma's house?" Logan asked. 
"In about 30 minutes," I replied wearily, having answered this question at least eight times before.
"Oh, okay," he said, trailing off.  "I thought we were going to die in this car."
- 25 November 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Drivers Ed

Day four; Justin was driving us to Pullman.  He glanced in the rear view mirror only to find frustration with his mother's choice of seats.  She was sitting in the middle of the back, the only option she had been afforded.
"Seriously Mom, can you like, not have such a big head?"
Nice.  I would have said something but I heard some muttering about what his big head had done to her and I decided not to open my mouth.

- 25 November 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Smell of Sadness

Logan lost his stuffed Butch (Go Cougs!) and was sobbing in his bed.  My wife and I were tearing our hair out and the room apart trying to find him.  Ashley climbed up the side of the bunk, wrinkled her nose and leaned over Logan's bed to smell a pile of blankets.
"It smells in here," she declared, a disgusted look on her face.
Logan was not that easily distracted.
"Does it smell like tears?" came a plaintive sob.
- 22 April 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Inevitably, the conversation turned to dessert, as all seven-year-old boy conversations do.  And by conversation, I mean that I was trying to work on the computer and he decided to stand next to me and jabber.
"What kind of dessert did you have in mind?" I asked, knowing the answer would be ice cream.
"Well, ice cream," he said.
"We don't have any ice cream," I told him.
"A candy cane?" he ventured.
He had been vying for one ever since Justin bought a chocolate peppermint version at the store last week.
"Alright, you can have a candy cane," I said, noticing the fancy red striping on his shirt that wasn't there a mere half an hour before.  "Say, is that ketchup you smeared across the top of your shirt?"
"Oh, ketchup is hard to get out of your clothes, Logan," I chastised.
"I didn't like it," he said, helpfully.  "It was all spicy."
"Spicy?  You mean the same ketchup we use all the time that you love?"
"Sometimes it's not yummy," he declared.
- 24 November 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015


Dinner was in full swing and the conversations were beginning to crash into one another.  The noise was escalating to a dangerous level.  In order to derail Justin's current train of thought before it became PG-13, I turned the conversation to school, a real teenage buzz kill.
"Justin, do you have any homework tonight?" I inquired. 
"I already did it," he said, in his most excellent mocking voice.  "And besides, The Annoying One already asked me."
How many times do I have to ask you to stop referring to your mother that way?  No, really.  I can only imagine how he refers to me when he's talking to his mother.

- 14 October 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Say That Again

Logan sat on the potty looking very concerned. 
"Dad, my throat hurts when I poop."
Now it was my turn to look very concerned.  I don't think the doctor will make a house call for that.

- 18 June 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015


"Should I start dating in ninth grade or tenth?" Logan asked. 
There was a genuine quality to his question and I could tell that the preceding silence had been filled with careful thought.
"Maybe you should concentrate on being seven and not worry about it," I suggested. 
"There are a lot of good girls to date," he added. 
Dude, always in the car with these questions and statements.  One of these days you're going to say something that will cause me to drive right off the road.

- 19 November 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

True Story

My freshman and I had just gotten back from a student/parent orientation for a trip to Mexico two summers from now.  I was relaying the details to my wife.
"Is he excited?" she wanted to know, for it was he who insisted that we go to this meeting so he could take this trip and "get away from us."
"It's hard to tell with Justin, there's never any emotion," I said, considering her question.  "He doesn't hate it and he's not swearing at it so he must be really excited!"
- 18 November 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Goodbye Easter Mass

It was possibly the longest hour on record.  Every time the music played during mass this morning, Logan would ask, in a very loud whisper,
"Is this the goodbye song?"
Dude, once more and it will be your goodbye song.

- 5 April 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Not Quite an Adventure

We were running one of our usual errands that involved a lot of u-turns and back-tracking.  It was turning into quite a production.  Glancing in the rear-view mirror, I noted that the only item Logan brought with him was a sour expression.  I commented that it was quite an adventure we were having.
"This is a stupid adventure," he replied, arms crossed, glaring daggers.
Evidently, I was keeping him from the best moments of his life.  There were snacks to be eaten and fun to be had elsewhere.
"It's not a stupid adventure," I objected.
"Well, it's not amazing...I'll tell you that!" he screamed.
- 23 June 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


"Turn up the sound!" Justin demanded from the back seat.
"It's loud enough, when you're old," I protested.
"It's loud enough when you're sitting on top of the speakers," my wife added, gesturing toward the speaker at her feet in the passenger-side door.
"I can still hear you talking, it's not loud enough," Justin said wryly.
- 13 September 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Get Daft Lucky Punk

We got into the car on our way to Cub Scouts.  The radio was on and Get Lucky by Daft Punk was playing, but something was off.  Something was bothering me, and this time it was neither the music nor the fact that I knew the name of the song, let alone the artist.  No, it was my seven-year-old sitting in the back seat, singing along as though he had written the tune and there was nothing unusual about it.
"How are they gonna' get lucky?" came the question.
I knew it was coming before the sound hit my ears.  I tried to have a plausible explanation at the ready.
"They're trying to win the lottery," I lied, attempting to keep the note of panic out of my voice.
He considered this for a moment and then went back to singing.  I had dodged a bullet but only temporarily, for I knew what was next.

There was a short pause.  I braced for impact.
"Get some of what?" he wanted to know.
I said "money."  He said nothing.

Why didn't I just shut the radio off?

- 9 November 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015


"Somebody stole my chips," Logan moaned, crumpling into the rocking chair beside me.
His teenage brother and a friend absconded with the chip bag and disappeared into the basement.
"You don't need any more," I told him, turning back to my computer.
"Yes, I do," he wailed.
He had been snacking all evening, both before and after dinner.
"No, you don't," I snapped, "Just stop eating!  Doesn't anyone in this house feed you?"
He was undeterred.
"But I'm gonna' thirst for hunger."
Kid, you're killing me.

- 13 November 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Rug or the Cat

"Dad, the cat peed on one of the rugs in your room," Logan said.
He was spinning around in the dark driveway waiting for his mother to emerge from the house.  We were headed to Science Night at school.  In the background I could hear Ashley zip past the back door cursing the cat.  Her arms were full as she headed down the stairs to the laundry room, trying not to vomit.  Evidently, she was expecting me to clean it instead of throwing it out.

The rug, not the cat.
"I know, Mom was just telling me," I said, watching him twirl and thinking about how I was not going to buy a new one this time, I was simply going to rid myself of it once and for all.
The rug, not the cat.
"That's why you shouldn't put them on the floor," he said, with admonishment, as though he were teaching me a valuable lesson. 
Well, amen to that!  Next time I'll hang them on the wall.

Wait, are we still talking about the rug or the cat?

- 12 November 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Line of Work

"Dad, why are you still dressed up in your work costume?" Justin asked, as he breezed past me in the doorway of the bedroom and headed down the hall.
It was well past seven and I had been home since four.
"I'm not!" I shouted at the back of his head.
After all, I had removed the spinning bow tie, squirting daisy and over-sized shoes.  I wonder what he thinks I do all day - besides reply to his phone calls and texts about why he can't have any money, hang out with his friends or get a ride until after work.

- 9 November 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


"...that's why I wanted you to get out on my side of the car," I said, stepping out of the van, narrowly missing an oncoming vehicle while I was busy avoiding a puddle in the dark.
Okay, so he was right to get out on his side.
"But I jumped over the water," Logan protested.
It's true, I saw him spring over the river of water along the curb and into the ankle-high grass, but I was not to be outdone.
"Yeah, but then you wandered through the wet grass you knucklehead."
It was the only thing I could think of without having to put a quarter in the Naughty Jar.  We were on our way into the church for Cub Scouts.
"You want a sandwich of pain?" he offered, brandishing a fist in my direction and neatly stepping into a Juniper bush.
I stifled a laugh.
"You mean a knuckle sandwich?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah!" he shouted, with a note of gratitude, liberating himself from the bush, "Of pain!" he added, lest I forget.
- 9 November 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Da Rulez


I am completely without a thought on this subject.  With the exception of numbers one and three, I don't remember any of these being a "thing" when I was in high school.  The fact that the school had to send these notices out ahead of the Homecoming dance certainly wasn't.  Perhaps my wife is right and I did live under a rock.

And now, as though I wasn't feeling unsettled enough, thanks to and their handy little app, I am all too familiar with each and every one of these terms and the accompanying unbidden mental images, none of which make me any more comfortable as a father (even of boys).

Should, God forbid, a rule be broken and we receive a call, the only form of punishment I can conceive of having any effect on him whatsoever is reading aloud the definition of the offense and then demonstrating it with his mother.  He won't be able to unsee that!

- 26 September 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Halloween Candy

Ethan was home sick today.  But instead of resting, he spent a significant amount of time searching the house over for the bag of Halloween candy that belonged to him and his brother.

Yes, that's right, he's 12 and we hid it.

In particular, he spend a good deal of time looking through the boxes underneath our bed but all he was able to find were blankets which, by his own admission, made him very angry.  Eventually, he found the bag.

How much did he eat?  Who knows.

How sick was he really?  Not enough.

How much trouble was he in?  Plenty.

It's a good thing he has a very high grade point average or this might be his eulogy.  Now let's see, "Dear Attendance Secretary, please excuse Ethan from school today because..."

- 4 November 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015


"Is that another Ethan?" Logan asked.
We were waiting for the concert to begin.  His mother and I looked at each other over his head.  Ethan, who had just filed slowly along the third row to sit with the rest of his jazz band-mates, had inexplicably reappeared on stage and was making his way back to his seat.
"No, that's the same one," my wife answered.
How many of them were you hoping for?
"But I just saw the other one sit down," he said, craning his neck to get a look at the first Ethan.
"Are you starting a collection?" I asked.
There was a look of exasperation at my apparent stupidity.
"See?" Logan said, pointing to the second Ethan who was again, making his way slowly across the third row.  
There was certainty in his voice and determination in his expression.  Any minute now they were bound to come face-to-face.  Perhaps the second Ethan would sit in the first Ethan's lap.  The excitement was mounting.  I was breathless with anticipation.

Apparently, I was the only one.

For several minutes, Logan bounced around in his seat, attempting to sort out the mystery.  Admittedly, it did appear that First Ethan and Second Ethan had sat in different places along the row.  Alas, the puzzle was not to be solved although it did provide more than an hour of twisted parental entertainment for my wife and me as we continuously pointed and said, "I see an Ethan," "There's an Ethan," and "Which Ethan is that?"

At one point, before the concert began, I suggested that we play a rousing game of Count the Ethans.  Nobody was interested.

In the end, we collected only one Ethan, the original, and took him home.  The others could make camp in the auditorium and come out for other pre-concert entertainment.  We had what we needed.  After all, one is enough.

- 2 November 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nothing Is Sacred

"Oh no!" Logan exclaimed.
He was seated on the toilet and I was on the floor next to the bathtub.
"What is it?  What's the matter?" I asked, sitting bolt upright.
"Oh, I just peed all over myself," he said, casually.
"How did you manage that?" I wanted to know.
I didn't really want to know but I figured I was probably going to find out one way or another.
"I was busy looking at my poop," he said.
You see?  I told you I didn't want to know.

I let out a long sigh and went back to studying the water droplets near the bathtub drain while Logan busied himself with the toilet paper.
"Dad, what's the white stuff in my poop?"
I leaned my head against the side of the tub so he couldn't see me roll my eyes.  If you'll wait just a minute I'll get my poop-to-English dictionary and we'll find out.  Come to think of it, there's probably an app for that.
"It's probably something you ate," I said, throwing him a backwards glance and casting off a prayer to end this conversation.
"Oh, right...the string cheese," he said, thoughtfully.
Ew, no!  That's not what I meant.

So much for that healthy snack.

- 5 November 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stupid Teenager Tricks I

Yes, that is my son.
Yes, that is a telephone pole.
Yes, it is the middle of the night.
Yes, that is his formal wear.
No, his common sense is still here at home.

- 26 September 2015