Saturday, January 20, 2018


Logan has been excited about Halloween all year.  Finally, the evening arrived and the trick-or-treating commenced.  At first, this four-year-old was content to follow his older brothers from house to house - porch to porch but, as the evening wore on, his interest began to wane - or so we thought.

His pace began to slow and his brothers were now at least two houses ahead - their lead ever widening.  Suddenly his interest was rekindled.  Ashley and I split up so that we could keep an eye on everyone.  Logan would go to one house and then drag his feet on the next.  Then he would get excited and then he would be sad.  I was beginning to see a pattern.

All at once it dawned on me that this was not a child who was tired of the festivities.  This was a child who wanted to do it by himself.  I put my theory to the test at the next house that already had kids on the porch.
"Logan, why don't you go up to this house and I'll wait for you right here," I assured him.
"Oh...but someone's using that one."
- 31 October 2012

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