Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Biggest Fans

As fathers, our biggest fans are not always the one's we would expect.  In my heart of hearts, I know that nobody could ever take the place of my boys and nobody could ever take my place in theirs.  Still, it's funny...

I took my sons to the park this afternoon and met up with Jeff's family.  The six kids were having a wonderful time and I was enjoying every minute.  A nearby grandmother noticed how much fun I was having with all of them and inquired as to whether or not they all belonged to me.  I admitted to only three of the boys but Erin was quick to offer Wyatt as a bonus when it was time to go home.
"After all," she said, "he's your biggest fan."
And I am among his, Erin.
Indeed, from the moment he had spotted me it was, "Andy, slide with me," and, "Andy, under-dog."
He wasn't too terribly interested in much else.  Meanwhile, my three sons couldn't have been less concerned if I had been lying under the tires of the local transit authority vehicle.  They, being Jeff's number one fans, were too busy worrying about where one earth he was, instead of being there with them.

Come one, come all - there's room enough for everybody.  Ah, boys, I love you.  All four of you.

- 21 October 2012

1 comment:

  1. I love this one!!!! And it's so true. We can't go for a regular drive in the car anymore now that my kids know you own a blue truck. Apparently every blue truck we see is "Andy's Truck", and apparently it is so exciting that the announcement has to be shouted loud enough for the heavens to hear. My kid's really love you, and those pesky boys too. :)
