Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It amuses me that the commercials for Play-Doh contain the tagline, " to play with, not to eat."  Umm, it is too fun to eat...since 1955.  I am personally acquainted with at least a dozen people my own age who can instantly recall, with unfailing clarity, the exact salty flavor.

This afternoon, while Logan was home sick from school, the Play-Doh commercial began.  He sat transfixed, as I made lunch, and watched.
"Fun to play with and to eat," I said, smacking my lips.
"And to eat?" Logan exclaimed in disgust, wrinkling his nose.
Apparently, the culinary value of this modeling compound had never been properly considered.  Comprehension was dawning.
"No, I was just teasing," I said, seeing the mingled horror and delight register on his face.
"But that man said 'fun to play with and to eat'," he reminded me.
No sweetheart, that man was Daddy.  The man on the television set said "not to eat".  Oh boy.  Ashley had managed to keep him from eating Play-Doh for three summers running and I managed to change all of that in less than three seconds.  I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to pass this one off as he is currently running around the kitchen hollering, "Fun to play with!  Fun to eat!" interspersed with peels of maniacal laughter.

- 6 March 2012

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